Wednesday, May 21, 2008

LOL F-N-THE-A #1: Ferggie on the Today Show

Yeah yeah yeah, nothing to do with the standard Sniper, Noob - but this puts the "OL" in "LOL" (ok, that was the geekiest thing I've ever written). So Ferga-whatever-licious performed Heart's Baracuda. Things to lookout for:

1. Dig the hefty Guitar & Bass guys covered in Hats, Coats, and Sunglasses to hide that they are 48-year-old dudes.

2. Checkout the amount of "little kids" (I mean 5 to 7 year olds) crammed against the stage.

3. 1:06 mark: Fergie drops to her knees, rubs her left Boob.

4. 1:50 mark: Fergie drops to her knees again this time pretending to want to Blow the 50 year guitar guy. (watch his "solo" face at 1:56, ug)

5. 2:20 mark: THE BEST PART EVER!!!! 'Fergs' drops to her knees and crawls 'super slut' style in front of 2 shocked kids. Little Girl holding the pink sign looks ashamed to be there. one more time, BEST EVER!

6. 3:00 mark: Just to make sure this thing is a complete DISASTER, 'Fergie-hole' does her best Axel Rose "Snake" and then screeches "YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE??? YOU'RE IN THE JUNGLE BABY!!" Whew, at least she didn't say - oh crap she's doing it "YOU'RE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEE.....".

7. 3:15 I'm sure a girl turns to her mom, "Mommy, why is Fergie going to kill us???"

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