Friday, May 30, 2008

You Kids Get Off My Lawn Files #1:State Of Music

Hey Kids, wanna sell some records (aka digital downloads)??? Get it on Rock Band!! Motley Crue's single sees 47,000 downloads on Rock Band. Amazon, iTunes, & such: 10,000. Just like the Beatles did it!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

LOL F-N-THE-A #1: Ferggie on the Today Show

Yeah yeah yeah, nothing to do with the standard Sniper, Noob - but this puts the "OL" in "LOL" (ok, that was the geekiest thing I've ever written). So Ferga-whatever-licious performed Heart's Baracuda. Things to lookout for:

1. Dig the hefty Guitar & Bass guys covered in Hats, Coats, and Sunglasses to hide that they are 48-year-old dudes.

2. Checkout the amount of "little kids" (I mean 5 to 7 year olds) crammed against the stage.

3. 1:06 mark: Fergie drops to her knees, rubs her left Boob.

4. 1:50 mark: Fergie drops to her knees again this time pretending to want to Blow the 50 year guitar guy. (watch his "solo" face at 1:56, ug)

5. 2:20 mark: THE BEST PART EVER!!!! 'Fergs' drops to her knees and crawls 'super slut' style in front of 2 shocked kids. Little Girl holding the pink sign looks ashamed to be there. one more time, BEST EVER!

6. 3:00 mark: Just to make sure this thing is a complete DISASTER, 'Fergie-hole' does her best Axel Rose "Snake" and then screeches "YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE??? YOU'RE IN THE JUNGLE BABY!!" Whew, at least she didn't say - oh crap she's doing it "YOU'RE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEE.....".

7. 3:15 I'm sure a girl turns to her mom, "Mommy, why is Fergie going to kill us???"

link(if window not appearing below)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

File Under "No Way This Dude is For Real"

UPDATE:Looks like the guy took down his ad - WEAK...

Ok, dig this guy's classified ad trying to sell his car.

A few select quotes from the description:

"This car has gotten me laid so much it is ridiculous. I would like pull up to a pimp club in Scottsdale and the valet would crap his pants..."

I inject myself with pure bull shark testosterone and lift 4 hours a day. My diet also consists of 24 egg whites a day. I've got a killer 6 pack and some delts that you would not believe."

"I only hook up with 9s and 10s. Never less because I'm a winner!"

Please be real, please be real!

credit Miles for sending me this

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Best Thing You Can Do in GTA 4 Ever!

Xbox Live
4 Freinds online

1.Start a Private 'Free Roam" Game

2.Invite your friends to join.

3.Somebody haul ass over to the airport and STEAL a Blackhawk Helicopter. (other friends can simply run around blowing stuff up while waiting)

4.Take newly acquired Blackhawk & fly around the city picking up you friends.

5.Fly the Blackhawk (with friends inside) to the "The Pink Triangle" Strip Club.

6.Go Inside and get your freak on...


2nd Greatest Thing You Can Do in GTA 4:

1.Pick-Up friends in the Blackhawk as above.

2.FLY as HIGH as you possibly can in the Blackhawk above the city.

3.Without saying a word, BAIL out of the helicopter ("Y" Button)!!!!!

4.Listen to the sounds of your friends cursing you as they ride to their deaths' in a pilot-less helicpoter.

You can thank me later (or now)!