Friday, April 4, 2008

The Nooby Trap Chronicles: Chapter 2 - "Are you hungry?"

Occasionally, someone comes-up with a highly creative way to be an ass on xbox live. Cue the dramatic "reenactment" music & wavy "flashback" effects...

Looking for a room to play some Rainbow Six: Vegas (terrorist hunt)... Found One. Enter Room:

"Silly Nelson"
-hey guys, what's up.

"Hey Silly Nelson, are you hungry?"
-huh? No.

"Silly Nelson, are you hungry?"

"Dude, just say yes!"

"Come on, ARE YOU HUNGRY??"
-NO, I'm not hungry. Are you going to start the game?

"Dude, just say you're hungry, and I'll start the game."
-Ok fine, yes, I'm f*cking hungry.

"Cool, let me show the MAIN MENU."

BAM- I get booted from the game & end-up back the game's Main Menu.

After I got over the 'burn', I laughed.

You've been warned.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ann Martin, We Hardly Knew Ya

TV News Anchormen & Women are Gods (and Goddesses) among us...

Today, CBS announced they are "trimming" their news staff. One of LA's best & sweetest, Ann Martin, was among the layoffs. We hardly knew ya:

Why, oh why not Paul Moyer?? Enjoy some special audio of LA a-hole, Paul Moyer, berating sweet old Ann a few years back:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Baseball has begun!!!

Oy joy. Let's all get coked-up & dance!!